We're welcoming visitors back to our trial station in Cabrera de Mar
Last February we began welcoming our customers back to the turf grass test field in Cabrera de Mar, with strict safety measures in place.
After nearly a year with no visitors at all, we were finally able to welcome our customers back to the turf grass test field in Cabrera de Mar, where they had a chance to see, first hand, all of our latest innovations as well as the varieties we are proposing for this season. This is an ideal time of the year to organize these types of events with customers in order to show them how warm climate species behave during the coldest times of the year, just as the color is beginning to return.
For the first visit, organized jointly with our distributor, Servicentre, we welcomed five greenskeepers from the Girona region. It was interesting for them to see the current condition of our warm climate varieties as they emerge from dormancy, and the results of the overseeding. A week later, we were visited by David Bataller, greenskeeper of the PGA Catalunya Resort golf course, along with a number of other prominent greenskeepers. Also from the golf sector, the greenskeeper at the Lumine golf course in de Tarragona paid us a visit, along with the owner. In February we also welcomed one of our most important customers, the athletic field maintenance and management company, Garden Tona, which also collaborates with the Barcelona Football Club.
Aside from professionals in the athletic turf sector, we also had the pleasure of welcoming representatives from sod companies lke Verdara, or gardening companies like Jardí Pi, both segments that are critical to the development and sales of our products. The last visitor we hosted was Fliwer, a company that develops technology applied to agriculture and grass.
According to Josep Cirera, director of sales of the Áreas Verdes unit: “Without a doubt, these visits are an excellent way for us to showcase our products at different times of the year, but more importantly, they help us to recover the human contact with our partners and facilitate mutual and continuous learning in situ”.
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