We promote healthy eating with "5 a day"


Semillas Fitó has financed part of the national television campaign launched by the “5 a day” Association for Promoting the Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables.

The campaign, which will be broadcast on Antena 3 for two weeks, aims to raise awareness among the general public about the importance of eating at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily as part of a healthy diet, which is especially necessary in the extraordinary circumstances we are currently living in.

Now more than ever, as well as strictly complying with the recommendations of health authorities to prevent the spread of the virus, it is essential that we follow an eating plan that makes it easy to consume a healthy diet, rich in plant-based foods such as fruit and vegetables.

"The fruit and vegetable sector is proving to be one of the most important drivers in these difficult times, ensuring the supply of healthy and safe food to the entire population," says Joaquín Rey, president of the "5 a day" Association.

The campaign that started yesterday, Monday 27 April, and which will continue until 3 May, is in the form of sponsorship of the programmes “Espejo Público”, “La Ruleta de la Fortuna”, and “fin de semana de multicine”.

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